Client Communication Manager Menus

The following menus are available when you open the Client Communication Manager:

Menu/Menu Item



Templates - Open

Opens the selected (highlighted) template or letter.


Templates - Save

Saves the selected (highlighted) template or letter.


Templates - Save As

Opens the Save As dialog box, allowing you to save the selected (highlighted) template or letter as a different name.


Templates - Rename

Allows you to rename custom letters to a different name.


Templates - Delete

If no template is open in the Editor pane, deletes the selected (highlighted) template or letter in the Templates pane. If a template is open, deletes the open template.


Templates - Close Template

Closes the open template that is currently selected.


Templates - Import

Allows you to import a letter in rich text format (.rtf extension) into the Client Letter Editor.


Templates - Export

Allows you to export a letter in a rich text format (.rtf extension).


Templates - Exit

Closes the Editor pane.


Tools - Insert Page Break

Inserts a page break in the active template.


Tools - Insert Image

Allows you to insert an image into a letter (.bmp, .jpg, .gif, or .png format).


Tools - Insert Table

Opens the Insert Table dialog box, allowing you to specify the number of rows and columns in the table, as well as border color and border thickness.


Tools - Attach Letter to Return

Enabled only when in an open return. Allows you to attach the letter to the open return. Letter appears as a separate tab (like a form) in the return.


Tools - Restore

Restores selected template to default. This will erase any modifications made to the template and bring it back to its default state.


View - Edit Mode

Displays the Templates and Variables panes, and shows all the variables in the template or letter.


View - Preview Mode

Closes the Templates and Variables panes, and displays the letter without any formatting markers, as it would appear in finished form. Data from the corresponding return is placed where variables were in the template.


Support - Education Library

Opens the Education Library Help topics.


Support - Help

Opens Program Help in your Internet browser to the Client Communication Manager topic.



See Also:

Standard Client Letters